Weiden Lake Conservation
641-715-3900  x73036

"There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country."
Theodore Roosevelt


Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York State Freshwater Institute
New York State Federation of Lake Associations

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On The
CSLAP Program


2009 Results

Summary of 2009 CSLAP Sampling Results

Evaluation of Eutrophication Indicators

Water clarity and chlorophyll a readings were lower than normal, although the former is

due to higher color readings. Total phosphorus readings were close to normal in 2009, and none

of these indicators has exhibited any clear long-term trends. The lake can be characterized as

eutrophic, or highly productive, based on chlorophyll a, water clarity and total phosphorus

readings (all typical of eutrophic lakes). The TSI evaluation suggests that each of these trophic

indicators is “internally consistent”—each of these indicators is in the expected range given the

readings of the other indicators. Overall trophic conditions are summarized on the Lake


Evaluation of Potable Water Indicators

Algae levels are at times high enough to render the lake susceptible to taste and odor

compounds or elevated DBP (disinfection by product) compounds that could affect the potability

of the water, but the lake is not classified for use for drinking water.

Evaluation of Limnological Indicators

Some of the limnological indicators measured in CSLAP in 2009 deviated from normal.

Ammonia and true color readings were higher than normal in 2009. Ammonia readings have

increased over the last few years, although it is not known if this has resulted in any ecological

impacts. The rise in color readings in 2009 was seen in many other CSLAP lakes, and may have

been in response to wetter weather. Total nitrogen was lower than normal in 2009, but none of

these other limnological indicators has exhibited any clear long-term changes. It is likely that the

small changes in these indicators have been within the normal range of variability in the lake.

Overall limnological conditions are summarized in the Lake Scorecard.

Evaluation of Biological Condition

The limited macrophyte survey data collected through CSLAP at Weiden Pond found at

least 8 aquatic plant species, including one protected plant species (Potamogeton strictifolius,

narrow leafed pondweed). The modified FQI for the lake indicates that the quality of the aquatic

plant community is “excellent,” although it is clear that this represents an incomplete inventory

of the aquatic plant community.

The composition of the fish community is not known, but it is assumed that the lake

supports a warmwater fishery.

Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrates have not been evaluated through

CSLAP in Weiden Pond.

Evaluation of Lake Perception

Water quality assessments were more favorable than normal in 2009, leading to a more

favorable assessment of the recreational conditions in the lake. This occurred despite lower water

clarity (and higher water color), but was consistent with less algae growth. None of these

measures of lake perception has exhibited any clear long-term trends. Overall lake perception is

summarized on the Lake Scorecard.

Evaluation of Local Climate Change

Air and water temperature readings in the summer index period were close to normal in

2009, and neither air nor water temperature readings has exhibited any long-term trends. It is not

known if this is an indication of the lack of local climate change or if these changes cannot be

well evaluated through CSLAP.







Email  wlpoa@weidenlake.org

Voicemail:   641-715-3900  x73036